Nashville Podiatry - How to Keep Those Feet and Toes Warm and Dry Until Spring

Happy Fall!

Here are a few pointers for keeping those feet warm and dry until Spring.

Number one: be sure not to wear socks that are too thick in order to keep your feet warm.

This can put too much pressure on the feet and even restrict blood flow, which will only make them colder!

It's the kind of material that matters more than the thickness of the sock. Cotton socks tend to get wet from foot sweat more easily, and then make your feet really cold.

Merino wool socks on the other hand (well– foot) will keep your feet warmer than cotton and are itch free.

Wool is a natural miracle material that manages moisture perfectly, absorbing it away from the foot and allowing it to evaporate before it makes your socks damp and cold.

Hope that tip helps you keep the tips of your toes super warm and super dry until Spring!

If you have any questions about your foot health, don't hesitate to call your closest Nashville podiatrist from the Nashville Foot and Ankle Group.